Hudson’s Journey
Hudson’s Journey: EXTRA Joyful Noises
By: Mika Hartman Christmas is here and we are counting our blessings. When I was a little girl, I started collecting Precious Moments figures. My Granny Joy and I shared love for these collectibles...
Hudson’s Journey: EXTRA Wonderfully Weird
By: Mika Hartman November is here! Thank you to everyone who celebrated Down Syndrome Awareness Month in October; we have so much to be thankful for. It’s okay to keep the celebrations going every...
National Disability Employment Awareness Month: Past Time for Needed Change
By: Mika Hartman October is here. As we commemorate both Down Syndrome Awareness Month and National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), I can reflect on what I have learned on this...
Hudson’s Journey: EXTRA Family
By: Mika Hartman Each year , National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC) host a conference. If you are lucky, you don’t miss it; you can’t miss it, so much happens in a year of research and technology. I...
Hudson’s Journey: EXTRA Rare
By: Mika Hartman Recently, CJ took us on a beautiful vacation. We love cruising for many reasons, so we boarded the newest ship The Icon of the Seas. Traveling with Hudson presents many challenges,...
Hudson’s Journey: “EXTRA Empathy”
By Mika Hartman Hudson is my hero; however, you don’t need superpowers to sense other people’s emotions or need a power to tell you what someone else might be thinking or feeling. It’s called...