Hudson’s Journey

Hudson’s Journey: EXTRA Audibles

Hudson’s Journey: EXTRA Audibles

By Mika Hartman The word “audible” automatically makes us think American football; I can hear Peyton Manning yelling “Omaha” as I am typing. Actually, calling an “audible” can be applied to most...

Hudson’s Journey: EXTRA Wonderfully Made

Hudson’s Journey: EXTRA Wonderfully Made

By Mika Hartman It has been in the news a lot about promoting abortion for disabled babies, even in the State of the Union Address. A lady in Texas crossed the border to secure her abortion of her...

Hudson’s Journey: EXTRA Acts of Kindness

Hudson’s Journey: EXTRA Acts of Kindness

March is here and the old saying, “out like a lion, in like a lamb” may be true about the weather; but it’s also about everything that was cold finding a new warmth. Blooming, coming out of...

Hudson’s Journey: EXTRA Alert: PURPLE

Hudson’s Journey: EXTRA Alert: PURPLE

By Mika Hartman As a parent, we fear so many things while raising our children. We understand the underlying risks in most of our daily adventures, but we always think “not us” and we choose to...

Hudson’s Journey: EXTRA Kisses at Midnight

Hudson’s Journey: EXTRA Kisses at Midnight

By Mika Hartman Happy 2024! As we all plan for the coming year, the possible and impossible resolutions made, the highest hope for a better tomorrow, I know whose hands our future falls in: Our...

Hudson’s Journey: EXTRA Silent Nights

Hudson’s Journey: EXTRA Silent Nights

By Mika Hartman  During this Christmas season, we all get overwhelmed with all the “things to do” to have the most “perfect” Christmas. “Perfect" is subjective, isn’t it? My perfect is likely both...